* For Reference Only.
Anping money exchange & transfer (ROSES GOLDEN PTY LTD) prioritize client satisfaction and financial security, striving to secure the best exchange rates and minimize costs. Our services cater to over a hundred thousand Chinese residents and businesses in Australia, offering secure and efficient solutions for trade, immigration, education, and overseas asset management.
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Auburn Branch
Address: 1B/1A Kerr Pde Auburn 2144
Phone: +61 2 96438376
Fax: +61 2 96492441
E-mail: Auburn@anping.com.au
Phone: +61 2 96438376
Fax: +61 2 96492441
E-mail: Auburn@anping.com.au
Eastwood Branch
Address:shop 9, 8 Progress Ave, Eastwood 2122
Phone:+61 2 98581266
Fax:+61 2 98582766
Email: Eastwood@anping.com.au
Phone:+61 2 98581266
Fax:+61 2 98582766
Email: Eastwood@anping.com.au
Sydney City Branch
Address:shop 55 1 Dixon Street, Sydney,NSW 2000
Phone Number:+61 415 299 124
Email: Sydney@anping.com.au
Phone Number:+61 415 299 124
Email: Sydney@anping.com.au